The Xerte Project has built a welcoming, supportive and friendly community of users and developers all over the world. Our users are the most important members of our community.

The Xerte Project is a meritocratic, consensus-based community project, and anyone with an interest in the project can join the community, contribute to the project design and participate in the decision making process. If you would like to get involved in a successful and growing open-source community - and you do not need to have technical skills - there is a lot of good information for contributors about the project and how it works on the project's GitHub wiki.
If you would like to contribute to our documentation whether that's sharing guidance and examples that you have developed for your own organisation or helping to contribute to our centralised documentation, including this website, then let us know via our documentation forums.

Xerte Online Tookits is in use in a large number of organisations around the world. Some of our users include the following:
Abertay University
Aberystwyth University
Academia Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza
Adult Community Learning Essex
Adult Community Learning Gloucestershire
Belfry Training Limited
Bexley Learning Centre
BIelefeld University
Birkbeck College
Birkbeck, University of London
Birmingham City University
Borghi Language
Bournemouth University
Bridgwater College
Cardiff University
CBE Mechelen
Centro de Autoacceso Coatzacoalcos, Ver
Cervo GO! De Panne
Chesterfield College
Coleg Cymraeg
Colegio de Estudios Cientificos y Tecnologicos del Estado de Mexico
Colegio de Verano Piquer
Colegio Nacional Castellano
colegio vedruna
Contractor Training Coalition, Inc.
Cornwall College
CVO 3 Hofsteden
CVO HBO5 Antwerpen
CVO Het Perspectief Gent
CVO Panta Rhei Gent
CVO Provincie Antwerpen
CVO Strombeek
CVO VIVO Kortrijk
CVO Vlaamse Ardennen Oudenaarde
CVO VSPW Kortrijk
CVO VTI Brugge
Deltion College
Department for Research and Education in Emergency medicine, Acute medicine and Major Trauma (DREEAM)
Durham University
East Durham College (FE)
East Riding of Yorksire Council
EFC Jules Brouwir
Enable Ireland
Epping Forest College
Erasmus MC
Erasmus University
Escola Municipal Padre Martinho Stein
Fizik Penceresi
Fundacja Praesterno
Future Teacher Project
Gateshead Learning Skills
GG Governance Consulting
Ghent University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Glasgow Caledonian University
glasgow clyde college
Global Skolen
Harlow College
Harper Adams University
Heal Thy Biz Online
Helix Learning
Hersenz, Netherlands
Higher Education Academy
Hight School at Chalkida
Institut Obert de Catalunya
Instituto Nacional Castellano
Integracao Escola de Negocios
INTO University of East Anglia
Kent Fire & Rescue Service
Kings College London
Kingston College
KU Leuven - Technologiecampus Diepenbeek
Lancaster University Students' Union
Learning Apps Ltd
Leerpunt Zuid-Oost Vlaanderen
Let's Learn English
Lewisham Southwark College
Lincoln College
London Metropolitan University
London School of Economics
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London South Bank University LSBU
Montgomery County Department of Public Safety
MyImagine Academy
Newman University
Norsk Nettskole
OAB Dekkers
OLT Learning experience
Open Learning NZ
Open University
Pantarijn, Wageningen
Queen's University Belfast
Radboud University
Resato international B.V.
RTI International
Sim Cursos
South Thames College
Southampton Solent University
Stichting Routeplanner Passend Onderwijs
Summa Business
Swansea University
The New School
The Univeristy of Nottingham
The University of Surrey
Tokyo Medical University
Tower Hamlets College
TuristiÄko - ugostiteljska Å¡kola Split
UC Leuven Limburg
Uganda Christian University
UGent Law Faculty
Ulster university
United Kingdom Council of Research Repositories
United Nations University, FLORES
University College Cork
University College London
University for creative arts
University for the Creative Arts
University of Brighton
University of Bristol
University of Derby
University of Edinburgh
University of Lausanne
University of Leeds
University of Lincoln
UNiversity of Liverpool
University of Malawi College of Medicine
University of Manchester
University of Mannheim, University Library
University of Maribor
University of Melbourne
University of Northampton
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford University of Plymouth
University of Puerto Rico - Humacao Campus
University of Sheffield
University of South Wales
University of Southampton
University of St Mark &-amp; St John
University of Surrey
University of the West of Scotland
University of Torino - Library of Economics and Management
University of York
Utrecht University, Faculty of Science
Uxbridge College
Varndean College
Velammal Educational Trust
Waltham Forest College
Welzijnsdomeinen Veiligheidstraining voor het onderwijs
West Kent College
Wyver Solutions
Xerte Academy
If you are using Xerte and not on the above list please let us know via this Google form. Likewise if you are listed above and wish to be removed for any reason let us know that too. The same list has been used to automatically populate the Google map below. If you wish to be added, removed or spot an error please let us know via the Google form.