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SAVE THE DATE! Online Xerte conference Wednesday 19th April 2023

XSave the date

The Xerte project is very pleased to announce that we are running an online Xerte conference on Wednesday 19th April with a mix of sessions throughout the day. This is likely to be 10am – 4pm UK with 30 minute sessions with details to be confirmed at a later date. The sessions will possibly be via Zoom, or another suitable online conference environment, and registration details will be sent out asap but for now please save the date.

What sessions will be available?
We'll be showcasing the great work happening across our fantastic worl wide community, and also the developer team will be highlighting the new features and functionality that we are working on. Whether you are a learning designer, a pedagogy expert, a media specialist, or a developer, #Xerte23 promises to be a fantastic event. 

Interested in delivering a session?
If you’re interested in delivering a 30min session please let us know by Friday 24th March.
Whatever topic you would like to present about we have some underpinning questions to consider:

How are you using Xerte?
Why are you using Xerte?
What are the benefits for you and your learners?
Do you have evidence of impact and/or feedback from your learners?
How was this impacted by the pandemic?
What has changed post pandemic?

Sharing this info

Please feel free to share this save the date info with your colleagues and communities, including anyone who might wish to present.
Further info will be shared in due course.

We look forward to seeing you in April!


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